Introducing our new CEO
01st April, 2020
We are pleased to announce that Donna Gartland has officially taken up the position of Chief Executive Officer at Codema from today (Wednesday, 1st April).
Donna has been working with Codema since 2013 and is a qualified electrician with a BEng in Energy and Environmental Engineering from the Institute of Technology Tallaght and a MSc in Sustainable Energy Planning and Management from Aalborg University, Denmark. She is currently completing a PhD in Energy Engineering with University College Cork.
Since starting her career, making Ireland's capital city a leader in climate and energy has been Donna’s focus, helping to achieve national and EU level targets by Thinking Global, Acting Local.
Recognising the urgency to make this happen, Donna is responsible for putting Energy Planning and district heating on the agenda at a local and national level in Ireland. She is recognised as the leading expert in Ireland in these fields.
Donna has made a significant contribution to developing the district heating industry from being non-existent in Ireland through to leading research projects, developing national guidance documents, establishing an association of stakeholders, getting district heating on the national policy and funding agenda and helping to initiate the first large-scale schemes in Ireland.
Donna is the only qualified, practicing Energy Planner in Ireland and led the first project to create spatially-led energy demand maps for the entire Dublin Region. This involved establishing new methodologies to map local energy demand and matching this to the best resources in order to identify the most sustainable solutions. This was then adopted across all Dublin municipal planning departments resulting in new local energy policy. She is leading the development of a Regional Energy Master Plan for Dublin, which will be the first of its kind in Europe. The plan is creating cost-optimised, spatially-possible and technically-feasible pathways for Dublin to achieve EU climate & energy targets to be carbon-neutral by 2050.
+353 (0)1 707 9818