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Spatial Energy Demand Analyses (Completed)

Spatial Energy Demand Analyses (Completed)


Codema has led the first project to create spatially-led energy demand maps for the entire Dublin Region.

Codema's Services

Codema has led the first project to create spatially-led energy demand maps for the entire Dublin Region, which involved establishing new methodologies to map local energy demand and matching this to the best resources in order to identify the most sustainable solutions.

These Spatial Energy Demand Analyses  highlighted (among others) the potential for district heating in the Dublin region, the locations in Dublin that need urgent action in order to alleviate fuel poverty and the huge number of rented dwellings that are deemed “energy poor”. This methodology was then adopted across all Dublin municipal planning departments, resulting in new local energy policy.

This research was able to provide detailed information for thousands of small areas in Dublin, on each of the following areas:

  • Total Energy Demand
  • Total Heat Demand
  • Heat Demand Density
  • Total Electricity Use
  • Total Fossil Fuel Use
  • Total Annual Energy Costs
  • Average Building Energy Ratings (BERs) in each area
  • Areas at Risk of Fuel Poverty

By using this SEDA energy model, the Dublin Local Authorities are better placed to make decisions about how energy will be provided for in the region. It also presents opportunities to help them deliver energy and CO2 savings, in line with EU targets.

You can download the Spatial Energy Demand Analysis for each region below:

Project Resources