1 January 2012 – 31 November 2016 (59 months)
The Buildsmart project demonstrated and promoted innovative, cost-effective methods for constructing very low energy building. Behavioural programmes were implemented with the inhabitants of buildings in Sweden, Ireland and Spain, to reduce their energy use.
Codema's Services
Codema’s Role
Codema worked closely with Dublin City Council on the local implementation of the Buildsmart project. This involved the preparation of an end-user training programme and the introduction of a live energy screen in public buildings. Codema also pilot-tested an energy awareness programme - 'Think Energy' - in Civic Offices, whose aim was to educate and inspire staff in Local Authority buildings to become more energy efficient. The ‘Think Energy‘ campaign has now been rolled out to South Dublin City Council's County Hall.
Project Description
The Buildsmart project was a demonstration of very low energy buildings across Europe, led by Malmö Stad in Sweden. The target was an energy performance of 60 kWh/m2. Residential and non-residential buildings in Sweden, Ireland and Spain participated in the project and behavioural programmes were implemented to involve their inhabitants, who benefited from lower energy costs and a better living environment.
+353 (0)1 707 9818